DESIGN NAME: Oxxo Baby Monitor
INSPIRATION: Inspired by the idea of making a baby monitor that is easy to carry while holding the baby at the same time. Providing accurate and instant information for parents is encouraged us.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Oxxo is a baby monitor set that includes the main monitor part holding the camera, and the base. Form of the main monitor part enables babysitter or the parents to pick up and carry it easily. The monitor has a wide angle of view that allows the parents to check most of the room where the baby is. The base part of the monitor is recommended to be placed in the baby's room since it measures the physical qualities (or conditions) of the room such as humidity, temperature and the level of oxygen. In addition, the base part is also used for charging the monitor.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The monitor is working in coordination with the mobile phone application. When the parents leaves the baby with babysitter, switches the mode of application from “With me” to “Babysitter”. In baby sitter mode, optional information on baby or the room conditions can be sent to the parents. Also parents can see their baby whenever they want by connecting to the monitor. After taking back the baby from babysitter, parents change the mode of the application to “With me” or “Alone” if they leave the baby alone in the room. In alone mode, all notifications are active to inform parents.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: All parts of the Oxxo monitor set are produced with plastic injection molding. The camera on the main monitor has two servo to provide wide angle of view. Oxxo is connected to mobile phone via Wi-fi.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Oxxo is packed within a package that includes both monitor and base part.
TAGS: Baby monitor, working parents, baby, nanny.
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Working parents are anxious (or curious) about their baby when they are not with them. Baby monitors help parents to keep currently informed about their babies.
CHALLENGE: Main challenge was optimizing the diameter of the section of the monitor. It should be easy to hold by most of the men and women.
ADDED DATE: 2017-02-08 16:18:13
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Prods Design Team
IMAGE CREDITS: Levent Muslular, 2016.