DESIGN NAME: Basic Object Of Knowledge
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Exhibition design
INSPIRATION: This is an exhibition that concentrates on the book as a concept and the book as a medium. In this scenario, both, final
design outcomes as well as its prototyping processes are particularly meaningful. The installation re-enacts the process of
designing, i.e., the way a book page layout is designed. Therefore, all elements in the exhibition design refer to page and
layout hierarchy and composition in the installation space.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The exhibition B.O.O.K. THE CONTEMPORARY BOOK AND ITS MODEL offered a selection of published books and their 3D book prototypes
(models). Books and models appeared together in this exhibition to highlight different manners in which designers have re-interpreted the medium book, given the specific content they deal with.
Reading is commonly a personal activity, and reading habits have mainly determined the shape of a book as we know it. The audience/reader contributes to re-arrange the books in the table-page layout with their reading, browsing and general bodily interactions. In this manner, the audience/reader is considered as an active co-creator and as an important collaborator in the re-design of the exhibition space.
Recycled old books have been placed on stacks to serve as stools. In this manner they visually relate to all book models/prototypes shown in the exhibition B.O.O.K.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Location: Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, CCA, Singapore.
Duration: 13–16.11.2014
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: All books and its book prototypes are exhibited as if they would
be part of a layout of a large book page. The table that presents the books exhibited — which was custom made for this exhibition — is shaped as a large unfolded sheet of paper or brochure that appears almost floating in the air. The low table (300 mm high) hides its base and stresses the feeling of a ‘flying carpet’ structure. These features empower the audience-reader, who can appreciate the exhibits at glance and with ease from above while enjoying a bird’s eye view. The textual information appears as ‘footnote’ to the main structure in the exhibition space.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Installation: Vinyl stickers, wood, paper, acrylic and recycled old books. Variable dimensions.
TAGS: Exhibition design, installation, book form, book prototype, book model
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The exhibition aims to cast light on the medium as
form and its conceptual development.
CHALLENGE: The development of the idea, research and production processes were addressed to deliver an exhibition-installation that would invite to appreciate and ‘read’ books and its models dissected and exposed to the public on a sort of ‘operation table’. Since a book model is not a finished book, but a test of what a book intends to be, the ‘model’ would be seen in a process of ‘becoming a book’, emphasizing its relation to the history of book design, concept development, process, prototyping and outcome.
ADDED DATE: 2016-08-05 07:35:43
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : Curator: Danne Ojeda , Exhibition design: Danne Ojeda and Outofstock and Photos: Outofstock, Colossalphotos and Marvin Tang
IMAGE CREDITS: Photo credits: Outofstock, Colossalphotos and Marvin Tang
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Danne Ojeda, d-file studio, Outofstock, Colossalphotos and Marvin Tang.