DESIGN NAME: Insect Wing Pen
INSPIRATION: Inspiration to the pen was an insect landing. Of course, the design quotes the classical feather pen, but takes it further by orienting its appearance to an insect wing. Together with the stand that quotes an insects body plan, the design creates an sculptural effect.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: "Insect Wing Pen" is a prototype for a ballpoint pen , which comes with a stand and serves as a decorative item at home. The prototype was made by 3d printing in resin. By using a tripod as a stand, the pen stops being a store away item, but becomes part of a sculpture inspired by forms in nature.
The difficulties while designing the pen were the weight of the design. The form of the wing had to be altered to become lighter, since the whole model was made of resin.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The product adds an en emotional value to writing. By using the tripod as a resting place for the pen, it becomes a permanent resident on the users desktop. By using the tripod as a cap, it is nearly impossible to loose it. Being designed to be more a design item on your desktop, it is clear, that this is not a classical takeaway pen. It is more a personalized object with emotional value, like e.g. feather pens were in the past, when you had a certain pen for certain actions.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project development took me circa half a year in 2013, from initial design sketches to producing a prototype. The project was created mainly in Cologne, Germany.The project was exhibited as part of designers exhibition during Macef , Milano in September 2013.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Widh 200mm x Depth 250 mm x Height 200 mm for tripod and pen stuck together
TAGS: sculpture, ballpoint pen, bionic design, desktop accessory, retro quote
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The project came in my mind and there were some choices that were part of the concept like creating a modern interperetation of the feather pen. I researched the historical background and liked the idea that the feather pen was a product with much more emotional value. It was a part of the desktop, the home equipment and not stored away in a cupboard.
In the process of form finding, I researched the body plans of insect and bionic forms. Stability and equilibrum as well as surface development were researched and analyzed by 3d software. Rest of the project was done by building different models in different sizes in order to see how comfortable it was to write with them. Finally there was the choosing of colors for the wing. Therefore i researched again in bionic design the skin of insects, that reflect in complementary colors. So the color of then wing became a fade from green to purple.
CHALLENGE: From the first idea, I had to research the body plan of insects.
The project had to have a certain look and both parts had to be in a equilibrum. This was researched by building a virtual model with3d software The next step was then having to reduce the weight of the pen, especially the end so that the writing process was not inhibited on one side but on the other side the object could maintain the initial forms. Different printed models were built to reduce the weight. Another point was choosing to make the pen as simple as possible, thats there are just two parts. The feather pen was simple too. Thus I used mines that come already with a conal shaped ballpoint head, that can easily be inserted and removed without having to open up the pen. This was rather a choice from the start. Last, for the colour scheme of the "wing" there were tested different combinations during the making of the prototype.
ADDED DATE: 2016-02-27 19:01:56
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Alex T Schulz