INSPIRATION: The inspiration is to provide memory foam comfort in furniture with a unique manufacturing process ending in overlaying the upper surface of the furniture with a layer of memory foam that provides comfort and benefits similar to a memory foam mattress. The OMO20 Modular Sofa brings true memory foam comfort to modern design.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The restful, modern, and fresh OMO20 Modular Sofa is the result of a unique, patented manufacturing method combined with a memory foam based, innovative patented design to bring true comfort and design together. Memory foam furniture that is sure to be a conversation starter.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: As the users body shape molds to the memory foam extraordinary comfort and relaxation results. Sit and enjoy!
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: This project started in the summer of 2013 and the first production date of the OMO20 Modular Sofa was March 2015.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Starting with a new patented manufacturing method, our comfort design is achieved by using foam molds to form a solid core of rigid foam. Instead of a heavy wood/steel framed interior with added layers of upholstery used in conventional furniture manufacturing, our method generates curves and unparalleled comfort from the complete polyurethane foam structure. Molding foam around the inner core is simpler and less costly than making conventional framed upholstered furniture.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Dimensions of arm chair 965 x 940 x 711
Dimensions of middle chair 711 x 940 x 711
The upholstery fabric used is a stain repellent Twill that lends itself to the conforming nature of the memory foam.
TAGS: furniture, sofa, memory foam, modern, comfort, colorful
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: We completed a clinical sleep study comparing memory foam mattresses to a traditional coil spring mattress. Objective and subjective sleep and comfort measures were assessed. The increases in time sleeping, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, and decrease in sleep arousal, while using memory foam, confirmed that it is an optimal pressure relieving material. We wanted to bring the comfort and benefits similar to a memory foam mattress to furniture.
CHALLENGE: As a memory foam mattress manufacturer, bringing the innovative furniture designs to life was our greatest challenge. The production issues for working with a new product led us to develop a patented manufacturing method. Our comfort design is achieved by using an outer foam mold in the shape of the furniture, and an inner foam mold to form a core of rigid foam. Molding foam around an inner core is simpler than making conventional framed upholstered furniture and results in more comfortable furniture.
ADDED DATE: 2015-06-22 20:35:38
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Mr. Youn Jae Lee and Mr. Jae-min Kim
IMAGE CREDITS: Christine Cha