PRIMARY FUNCTION: Multifunction beanie
INSPIRATION: The study of sleeping positions also takes part in the creation of this project. Most of the time, we ought to wake up because of discomfort or distractions. However, with Anap's soft and flexible material, it could support any sleeping positions and provide the best sleeping experience for any user.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anap, a beanie for napping that help you to nap in an effective way, wherever you are. The work is divided into two parts; Beanie and Mobile application. The Beanie designed to fit in a head of both men and women which a shape transformable function making it suitable for various type of napping posture also the beanie helps to create a private space, making napping possible even in a chaotically places. A materials chosen, thus resulting in a comfortable and breathable that provide a perfect nap time. In other hand, the mobile application was created to promote the work of the beanie. The function of the application is to enhance napping experience, wake up in most refreshing period and ready for work. In chaotic situation you can’t ignore, a specified music and breathing beat guide helps you to forget all of the things and reduce brain activities to reach the relaxed stage until you get to a real nap. Feel free to choose music and breathing guide sound from the application that match you most. At the appropriate time, you will be woken up by a friendly snooze sound that does not wake you up with a shocked effect. After you wake up, you will feel like you have been fully rest no more wake up feeling groggy. The nap is effective even occurred in a short time, but you will receive the benefits that derived.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Anap has many functions depending on the user's duration of sleep and his/her sleeping position. Users could use Anap as their sleeping supporters or just pillows as they might like. Moreover, there's a loop for inserting hands in order to support them while taking a nap on the table. Anap has a simple and fashionable design so that users could take it everywhere. The softness of the material creates a very suitable atmosphere for sleeping as well. The feedback from real users are very pleasing because Anap matches with their demands.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The projected started on September 2014 in Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand and finished as concept and prototype concept in February 2015.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: In production we divided into two main parts; beanie and mobile phone application.
There are 3 types of fabric and materials used in tailoring process; stretch fabric, mesh fabric and synthetic fibers.
On the stripe, we have a wireless headphones added. This includes the installation of the battery circuit. We don’t want the circuits to be bulky that it change the shape of the beanie and lost its comfort. In the mobile application there are 2 main things: an instrumental music with 60-80 bpm and natural guild sounds for breathing. We need to create a new music and sound in order to get the most effective sound for using. With these entire features present we think that the technologies that occur today can support our ideas.
TAGS: Nap, Beanie, Sleep cycle, Sound therapy,napping position, comfortable, application, waking up
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Firstly, we started off by concentrating on the importance of everyday necessities. We had come to a conclusion that napping is as important as sleeping itself, restoring alertness and lowering our risk towards various diseases. With that, we thought about how to fully take advantage of its benefits. Through extensive research, we were able to visualise the outcome of our product. We analysed the behaviours of nappers together with the environment and criteria suitable for effective napping. For example, the breathing rhythm and music genres perfect for "hibernation". Suitable materials are also explored. Later, we created mock ups and tested its effectiveness on users and ourselves. Focusing on the function and design as well. Finally, it is then developed into the current design for our ANAP Project.
CHALLENGE: The factor of creating this product is because we have urged to pay more attention on resting. Due to the fact that we're design student, it causes us not to have enough sleeping hour like others. We've concise the meaning of relaxation in many categories but the topic that we interest the most is taking nap, so we choose to create useful product that haven't been made and to insert uniqueness in our design. On the aspect of appearance and function the problem that we found is the part that we can't produce the product we've planned, some parts require lots of time to fix and some needs redesigning in order for us to be able to actually produced it. The possibility for the real product in the market place is high because we've already produced mock-up of this product. Technology that we use is common types, so it easily manufactures, just few software for smartphone-modify are needed
ADDED DATE: 2015-02-28 09:23:29
TEAM MEMBERS (5) : Thanapong Panichob (FIAT), Pranpol Viriyacharoen (Pro), Kritchaporn Emamorn (Gigi), Khopfah Chunpensri (Art) and Sasalux Na Talang (Mhon)
IMAGE CREDITS: Photographer / Illustrator / visual director , Khopfa Chanpensri, aNAP, 2015.