DESIGN NAME: Clipstone
INSPIRATION: Peru has ancient folk art tradition.
We had to think about a small product, with high turnover, scalable and that implied low cost investment to generate stock easily. These parameters help the product to ensure its viability for a craft organization with limited resources.
The product should be catchy, fresh, expose the stone as a handmade noble material.
We thought about the stoneclips as an iconic product, familiar to almost anyone. The memory of this everyday object carries a sense of nostalgia for those who have used the wooden peg. Clipstone is part of a vintage concept for a global market.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The originality of the product is based on using a popular, ordinary object to be turned into a more precious and fresh appeal, using stone and handwork. We are now lightening up an iconic with a meticulous manufacturing process and a higher value in hands of craftsmen.
The clothes peg works now as a paperclip to decorate the office and a gift to surprise anyone familiar with its shape because of its exclusive noble stone materials and fine finishings.
The clip comes in a single package in 5 different colors of semi precious gemstones. They have unique properties that allow positive energy to flow.
Paper clip,
Insense holder,
Roach holder.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Pacasmayo, North coast of Peru.
The idea came after a product development intervention to launch a stone collection with craftsmen from Pacasmayo Peru. This was commissioned by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism as part of its inclusive policy and socially responsible development.
The Clipstone concept could not be proposed at this time because it didn´t carry the Peruvian identity factor required for the collection. However, its popish iconical shape makes it interesting for a global market.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Manual technic: stone carpentry.
Maximum turn around production per month: 4000 units.
Materials: soap stone (high-talc rock) colours such as ocre red, ocre yellow, turquoise blue, serpentine in green hues and ecuatorian jade in green.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: General clip size: 70 x 15 x 10 mm.
General packaging size: 110 x 85 x 35 mm.
TAGS: clip, peg, stone, gemstone, semiprecious, papeclip, fastener, holder, decorative, gift
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Traditional stone folk art products (ornamental stone animals) made by craftsmen from Pacasmayo are given at really low prices by wholesalers
and are not creating fair sustainable trade conditions to
support craftmanship.
Craftsmen stone activity in this Peruvian area has been reduced to less than half in the last 5 years.
Cost analyses have been made to determine the price of their traditional products that are below the break-even point.
CHALLENGE: Craftsmen labor is reducing because the job is no longer sustainable. Salaries in alternative productive activities are greater. The oversupply of industrial products decreases the possibility of competition.
The proposal to keep these workshops alive is to use design to highlight non industrial product features and to target a middle income market considering craftwork built in strengths.
It is difficult to change artisans who have always been used to a folk, traditional work. Peru is still a third world country where cultural values and work discipline is an everyday challenge.
ADDED DATE: 2015-02-24 05:19:07
TEAM MEMBERS (8) : Director Designer:, Mauricio Navarro, Artisan Master:, Jose Luis Riquelme, Packaging designer:, Fernando Canales, Branding Approach: and Constanza Evans
IMAGE CREDITS: Mauricio Navarro, 2014.