DESIGN NAME: Paper Teller
INSPIRATION: After two years of study in Geneva, Switzerland, I was struck by the famous wooden clocks. I have also discovered the fine art of Poyat, works of black paper cut. Interested in storytelling, I intended to answer to one of the questions I asked myself as a designer : How to give objects the floor without influencing them ?
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Paper Teller is my diploma project. Each day, the user is invited to detach a sheet to discover the wordless story told by the cuckoo clock in a year. A box is designed to accommodate pages tore out. The user can read the story at the end of the year while a new block is placed on the clock and another story begins on the wall.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This object, rather than a simple clock, aims to offer a moment of sharing and privacy to its owners.
Each element contributes to the narrative, avoiding monotony. Every hour, the little bird adorning the minute hand moves to the center of the deer's antlers of the hour as if it landed on them. The drawings on the side of the block disappear over the year.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in Febuary 2014 in Geneva and was exhibited in Le Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 2014.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The black frame is ebony and contains all the mechanical and electronic part of the project. The paper pad consists of 365 illustrated cut sheets. The hands are made of nickel silver. Realized on illustrator, their are cut by a CNC cutting machine. The red cuckoo is modeled and 3D printed. The cardboard box is screen printed.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The object dimensions are 17mm x 7mm x 23mm. The cuckoo appears each hour with a different bird sound.
TAGS: paper teller, cuckoo clock, paper, illustrations, pad, sheets
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: During the writing of my thesis in my last year in Geneva, I was particularly interested in the relationship between design and storytelling. I asked the question of the influence of the designer and the ability of an object to communicate with its environment and specifically to tell a story. The intimacy created between an object and its users is important to me. This editorial project destined for family targets a large public from 8-14 years old children to adults. It is also made to give parents and children closeness moments.
CHALLENGE: Creating an all functional cuckoo clock was difficult. I bought and studied several clocks. As the mechanism is fragile, the red cuckoo has to be very light and easily modifiable. That is why 3D model and 3D printing appeared to be the perfect way to create it. Finally, the longest part is the illustrations one. This project offers 365 illustrated sheets, one for each day of the year.
ADDED DATE: 2014-09-29 17:20:15
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : designer and Tutor : Mathieu Bassée
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Dylan Dylan Perrenoud / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.
Image #2 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.
Image #3 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.
Image #4 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.
Image #5 : Photographer Dylan Dylan Perrenoud / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.