DESIGN NAME: 4 work station
INSPIRATION: place for the legs, several workers at small enviroments, MDF plate maximum optimization, organic lines
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: organic drawing that privileges the ergonomics in reduced size, low cost, easy execution and assembly in several compositions. replicable lean work stations for companies with poor work space, with an organic drawing that suits the user, delimiting the use area without edges. performed in CNC, which provides with a single cut 2 work's stations, with the maximum use of the MDF plate and minimum residues production. the space for CPU is articulate and suspended which facilitates to plug in any device.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: contemplate a bigger number of work's stations in small environments, keeping it confortable in every station, such as: space for the legs, supportfor forearms, position / distance from monitors, room for keyboard, articulate space for CPU, and place for documents.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: this project was developed due to a special need of the high number of employees to work at small furniture factory office. the begginig of this project idea was in october 2010 and the prototype has been done less than one month. after the first work station realized, the curve was modified only once to the final project. so, we can say that in less than two months we have achieved the best option for the work stations form.
Postform edge tape
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: package is width 1200mm, height 80mm, depth 900mm
TAGS: small work station, organic table, ergonomic work sation, space optimization, replicable lean work stations
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: business environments with reduced space, with repetition requirement and adaptions to new layouts, for office's areas, industry and retail.
CHALLENGE: the most challenge thing of the project was to get in the correct radius that would be confortable and fit everyone
ADDED DATE: 2014-02-28 06:27:54
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : daisy silva and vitya duarte
IMAGE CREDITS: all images / daisy silva / vitya duarte