DESIGN NAME: Perspectives
INSPIRATION: I am a privileged italian immigrant living in the USA, I want to raise awareness on the huge and dramatic immigration wave happening from North Africa to Europe, the one I experiences from the other side, and make my personal statement: you didn't choose where you were born, no human should be illegal.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I printed the poster 10ft x42 in and hang it from the ceiling. The installation includes some black laser cut birds on the walls and others hanging from the ceiling. Viewers can walk in front of the piece and interact with it, moving not only the objects (birds), but creating interesting shadows projections on the wall and the poster: they become part of the piece.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: I'm designing an installation around this poster that includes fling birds and pieces of land on the wall, hanging from the ceiling with fish wire. The piece will be than lighten by a light bulb and the shadows of the cut out hanging birds will be projected of the white wall around the poster giving the illusion that of leaving the poster itself.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: I started working on this poster in september 2013, and finished it the first week of october right after the news about a boat full of 519 immigrants from North Africa that sinked close to the coasts of Lampedusa on October 3rd. Only 155 survived.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Adobe illustrator, Final Cut, After effects
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: 10feet x 42 inches or 3,048 mm x 1,0668 mm
TAGS: immigration, africa, europe, illegal immigration, clandestines, perspectives, see, point of view
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: We see what we want to see. We perceive the world around us in our own way and sometimes our perception is far from reality. We have got used to rely on our feelings and emotions when we see or judge something and sometimes this leads to the misinterpretation of the things around us, because feelings and emotions cannot be objective.
CHALLENGE: The creative challenge was to design a poster that was clear and at the same time off respect of what we accustomed to see. Changing the point of view on something as iconic as a geographic map to raise awareness on how conventions are not allowing us to really SEE.
ADDED DATE: 2013-10-09 08:24:41
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Silvia Minguzzi
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Silvia Minguzzi, Perspectives, 2013
Image#2: Silvia Minguzzi, Perspectives, upper detail, 2013
Image#3: Silvia Minguzzi, Perspectives, lower detail, 2013
Image#4: Silvia Minguzzi, Perspectives, at Hatton Gallery at Colorado State University, 2013
Image#5: Silvia Minguzzi, Perspectives, at Hatton Gallery at Colorado State University, 2013