PRIMARY FUNCTION: Barbecue in Any Scenario
INSPIRATION: I have observed and experienced that when people go out to barbecue, they often put all the tools, ingredients and grill in a messy bag, thus making the whole experience less elegant. To solve this problem, I came up with the idea of integrating the grill and the suitcase. B2Q kit stores all the tools needed for barbecuing for two to three people in the upper storage space. I used a modular design to take into account the differences in grilling habits of different people.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: One suitcase, two layers, three heights, any scenario.
While barbecue used to be a simple matter of heating meat, nowadays it is a much more sophisticated process, from preparation to the end of cooking. B2Q integrates the necessary tools for the whole process in a single suitcase, allowing people to start their barbecue elegantly and conveniently in any scenario.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: As a suitcase, the grill carries the equipment it needs from plates and cutlery cases to the chopping board. The top part opens up in case the user forgets the utensils and wants to put them inside the compartment without opening the whole grill. Once the user sets it up, the gas can easily be installed below the plate, and the rubber parts of the grill’s legs prevent slippage and are cushioned. With this portable grill, there is no need to lug heavy equipment just to enjoy barbecue.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in October 2021 in Taipei and finished in April 2022 in Taipei, and was exhibited in Taipei Design Museum from August to October 2022. It will be exhibited in Taipei Shih Chien University for 1 year.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The final production underwent 3D printing, aluminum tube cutting, 0.8mm steel sheet metal, woodworking, and spray coating
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The final product closely resembles the prototype. The cavity board’s right side can be propped up or placed perpendicular to the grill’s right side, and an extended table plate can be arranged on the side of the grill. The table legs come in two heights with 840mm for standing height and 400mm for sitting height.
TAGS: BBQ, Travel, Suitcase, Grill, Tableware, UX, Tools,
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: First we found the problem through actual grilling experience. The problem is that small portable grills don't have enough space to store the necessary tools, and people will put the tools they need together in cheap plastic bags to grill, which makes the whole process fragmented and messy. So we set out to create a draft model to find a solution. The most suitable and interesting solution was to pack the entire grilling experience into a suitcase. After this we used Interview, Persona, Competitor Analysis, User Journey Map, Sketching, Prototype to do research and develop the project. In the interview we interviewed the chief designer and general manager of O'grill, the most successful portable grill in Taiwan. From this interview we found out that the idea was feasible and that there was a lot of technical support. We defined our design goal after all the research which is Integral UX, Portable and Modular. After creating the final prototype, we had a number of people come in for a brief user experience test and received positive feedback and valuable suggestions.
CHALLENGE: The most challenging part of this was to design and arrange the layered structure of the grill so that the internal fire parts did not conflict with the grill space. And how to design a stable structure to allow the two tiers of the grill to be combined. In the end we tested the structural prototype to find the ideal layered design.
ADDED DATE: 2022-09-28 16:31:58
IMAGE CREDITS: Qinwen Feng, 2022.