INSPIRATION: Yabloom! The sound one makes when they dive underwater (splash in English, bloom in Greek), was the main inspiration of the project
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Transforming water drinking from a boring routine to an exciting and flavourful experience, a new health beverage was created that perfectly describes the simple concept of infused water.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Infused water makes for a healthy and refreshing beverage. Making the experience optimal requires the aroma and nutritional values of the fruit to be preserved best. The resealable packaging allows for better preservation of the product, since after its initial opening, the remaining fruit can be safely stored back in its sealed container, until the next glass of infused water.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started on March 2021 and ended on July 2021
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Craft paper, and plastic film.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Resealable doypack, height 150mm x width 90mm.
TAGS: water, flavour, natural, healthy, taste, infusion, bloom
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Translating the notion of a deep dive underwater, both in finding a name for the action and depicting the colors a fruit exudes when meeting liquid was equally challenging and exciting, as a creative process.
CHALLENGE: Given the task of transforming water drinking from a boring routine to an exciting and flavourful experience, we created a new health beverage that perfectly describes the simple concept of infused water. Naming the brand Yabloom! for the sound one makes when they dive underwater (splash in English, bloom in Greek), we also communicated the simplicity of preparing a flavoured water beverage on the packaging itself, as well as the chosen palette, with colors that perfectly illustrate the result of fruits when entering a liquid.
Yabloom!’s visual identity supports the concept of natural flow, providing liquid elements with color.
ADDED DATE: 2021-08-02 11:25:02
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : Creative Director: Antonia Skaraki, Art Director: Andreas Deskas and Graphic Designer: Alexandros Tsakiris
IMAGE CREDITS: Antonia Skaraki, 2021.