INSPIRATION: Takeaway has now become an extremely important industry in Chinese society and safety issues of takeaway riders have been catching attention of the public. The helmet aims at preventing distraction while riding the motorcycle. Its handle controller part enhance safety index for it allows both hands of riders staying on the handle all the time, rather than use phone to operate. Meanwhile, it can promote social impression of the riders from the public, increase their working satisfaction and self-sense of identity.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This product is an integrated helmet supported by the phone and a handle controller, with a matched control system specialized for takeaway riders. First riders need to connect the helmet with the phone and the controller, the operation interface is shown below. Riders can check the orders, follow the hud navigation on the helmet, decide whether to take an order, making phone calls by the handle controller, taking photos, asking for help when accidents occur by the helmet control panel.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This product is a functional integrated helmet supported by the phone and a handle controller, with a matched control system specialized for takeaway riders. Riders can check the orders, follow the hud navigation on the helmet, decide whether to take an orders, making phone calls by the handle controller, taking photos, asking for help when accidents occurs by the helmet control panel.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started from August 2020 and finished in May 2021.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The design integrate bluetooth, head up display and AR technology in the helmet and handle controller. As takeaway riders is a huge group in China, these technologies accomplish functions that are highly specified for this group. help enhancing their working efficiency, ensuring their safety.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: For the helmet part, the outside dimensions are 300mm x 230mm x 300mm, inside dimensions are standard dimensions from national helmet size guide. For the handle part, the dimensions of panel are 58.3 mm x 80mm x 8mm, supporting part is made from plastic witch is flexible to adjust different e-bike handles.
TAGS: Wearable device, Function integrated, Technology application, Efficiency improvement, Experience optimization
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The research methods are observation and interview. Other researches contain technology and market research which help to define function.
User research found that all riders have pain points on getting distracted while using cellphone. The pressure from pursuing efficiency push them to getting used to incorrect behaviour. The insights show that the design should be a functional integrated helmet with a handle controller and a matched control system. Help takeaway riders working more safely and efficiently, in the meanwhile can promote new impression to the public, increase their working satisfaction and self-sense of identity.
CHALLENGE: As it has been mentioned before, other smart helmet all targets for high- end market, the using scenario is not exactly the same, normally, the technology of smart helmet is accomplished by inner structure embedded in the helmet, which makes them all very expensive and however in this case, helmet is only an display equipment, aiming at preventing distraction while riding the motorcycle. Furthermore, this product brings a brand new business mode which make takeaway riders, platform and users can all benefit from it.
ADDED DATE: 2021-07-20 07:24:19
TEAM MEMBERS (6) : Jiayi Jiang, Bingjian Liu, Xu Sun, Martijn ten Bhomer, Jiang Wu and Xiaogang Yang