DESIGN NAME: Kidney Assist Transporter
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Preservation and Transport of Organs
INSPIRATION: Extended research has shown that 100% oxygenation during organ perfusion results in substantial improvement of kidney preservation and consequently in survival of patients. A great opportunity to develop a unique product, additionally offering more professional quality than competition regarding technical execution, ease of use and reduction of disposable components. Our focus on finding a compact overall solution led to a completely integrated concept, including even the oxygen gascontainer.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Main purpose was to develop a product that offers oxygenated machine perfusion at all different timepoints in the pathway of organ donation: during preconditioning, preservation and reconditioning. The design challenge was to make the product suitable for all these different situations. Sturdy and safe during transport. Logical and intuitive to use during installation and surgery. Sterile. Sustainable. With special attention to user experience, in combination with an iconic visual appearance.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Continuous perfusion flow through the organ, with 100% oxygen, guarantees optimal performance. Double ice-units with improved insulation ensures stronger and longer cooling. LED-supported selective user interface provides logical and intuitive process operation in all circumstances.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The design project started in April 2019 with both Xvivo-Organ Assist and Brightbird Design Center in Groningen, the Netherlands. Testing program of prototypes started in September 2020.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Polyester technology, polyester/acrylate/aluminium
TAGS: Brightbird, Xvivo, Kidney, Donor, Transporter
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Research program was focussed on improving the processes of preconditioning, preservation and reconditioning donor-organs by the use of oxygenation. This resulted in substantial improvement for various organs. Further research was dedicated to meticulously controlling the flow process, and maintaining a stable cooling level for a long period of time.
CHALLENGE: Hardest part of the design activity was: how to achieve a compact product by integration of a large number of functional components, in such a way that handling of the product remained easy and logical. On top of this challenge of course, the task to accomplish an attractive design suitable for serial production. To keep a long story short: a complex but fantastic project!
ADDED DATE: 2021-02-26 14:52:09
TEAM MEMBERS (8) : Studio: Brightbird Design Center , Project leader: Bart Kip, Designer: Matthijs Looze, Designer: Spiros Pandis, Designer: Yagmur Aydogmus, Visualiser: Tim Mulder, Animator: Jeroen Grondijs and Support: Reina Kuipers
IMAGE CREDITS: Brightbird Design Center - Tim Mulder