PRIMARY FUNCTION: Mouthwash Lollipop
INSPIRATION: One halfs inspiration concept comes from contemporary societys advocacy of low sugar eating habits, We found that most of the childrens teeth are decayed because the mouth is not cleaned in time after eating sugar, which leads to bacterial growth. Children generally do not throw away the stick immediately after eating the lollipop, but they will hold it in the mouth, Therefore some functions that can clean the oral cavity can be done on the handheld part.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Compared with ordinary lollipops, this design has the function of cleaning the mouth and minimizes the possibility of children suffering from dental caries. The inner part of the candy is an oblate, which is integrated with the mouthwash bar. It looks like a normal candy on the outside. It actually reduces the amount of sugar by half and controls the childs consumption of sugar.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: After the child has eaten the candy, the bumpy texture will be exposed, which can be used to brush the candy residue on the mouth and teeth, then open the bottom lid of the one half, and pour the mouthwash into the mouth for 30 seconds to rinse the mouth. Used handheld parts can be reused to avoid waste of resources.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project was launched in Shenyang, Liaoning, China in September 2020 and completed in Shenyang, Liaoning, China in January 2021.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The handheld part is made of food grade PP plastic, the bumps in the cleaning section are made of food grade silicone. Candies are made of granulated sugar, glucose and water as raw materials. These ingredients are boiled at 138 degrees Celsius to melt the sugar and form a uniform syrup, then pour it on a conveyor belt and start cooling. Two plow-shaped metal plates roll up the mixture. Each lollipop will be cut to 2 g and will be embedded with a cleaning stick.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The radius of the handheld part of the product is 6 mm, the height is 9 cm, the volume of the mouthwash is 10 ml, the radius of the lollipop is 15 mm and the volume is 2 g.
TAGS: Clean the mouth, less sugar, health, reduce tooth decay, children.
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: In order to make children eat a small amount of sugar and combine the need for clean mouth after eating, the product was designed. In this goal, the capacity of existing lollipop and mouthwash products were improved. Let the child eat as little sugar as possible to achieve the role of oral cleaning, to meet the two way requirements. The use of environmentally friendly and recyclable materials meets the requirements of contemporary social resource conservation.
CHALLENGE: Our challenge is there is no standard for childrens preferences, how to combine mouthwash and lollipops to make them more like them.
ADDED DATE: 2021-02-23 14:39:27
TEAM MEMBERS (12) : Guangpeng Yue, Siyu Ding, Fengze Li, Hang Yin, Zhiyuan Guo, Yingyi Li, Ziming Yang, Jiayang Zhang, Haitao Yuan, Hongbo Ren, Huaidong Yang and Xi Zhu
IMAGE CREDITS: Guangpeng Yue, 2020.