DESIGN NAME: Spatial Illusion
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Exhibition Stand
INSPIRATION: The inspiration for this project start from the idea of perception of space in special conditions. The main question was how to see three different figures from one point of spatial view as one shape? For this project in 3D program this object was modeled end this point was finded. It was about one meter from the left corner of the stand, high 1700 mm.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The main architectural task was to create the space of the exhibition stand, which maximally viewed from all sides. This is due to the presentation of the main products of the exhibitor - wallpaper. The basis of the aesthetic concept of the stand was the idea of open gates. The space was organized by arches. If you come to the main entrance of the stand, the group of arches looks flat in perspective. If you go through arches inside the exhibition stand, the group of arches unfolds, three dimensions and rhythm appear.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This project is the exhibition stand for client Slovyanski Wallpaper. The main task of the stand during the Trade Fair to present the product of the company. For this aim in space of the stand created special interior elements such as arches, walls, panels with collections of wallpaper.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in Septemer 2019 in Moscow, Russia and finished in December 2019 in Moscow, and was exhibited in Trade Fair Heimtextil 2020 in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Interior Space and Exhibition Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The walls of the stand produced from plywood. The beams made from plywood and painted in white color. The arches made from plywood and decorated by wallpaper and wood panels with logos.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The ehxibition stand is 13000 mm x 10000 mm x 4000 mm.
TAGS: spatial illusion, asymmetric arches with the displacement in space, exhibition stand, Slovyanski Wallpaper, linear and reverse perspective
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The main architectural task was to create the viewed space for the exhibition stand. The illusion of space used for this goal. The illusion modeled by creating asymmetric arches with the displacement in space. From one point of spatial view, the group of arches looks flat, from another point they have three dimentions.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part of design activity was to project the asymmetric arches considering linear and reverse perspectives for illusion of depth of the stand.
ADDED DATE: 2020-02-22 11:47:27
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Designer: Viktor Bilak and Architect: Borut Kosir
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Viktor Bilak, Spatial Illusion, 2020.
Image #2: Photographer Viktor Bilak, Spatial Illusion, 2020.
Image #3: Photographer Viktor Bilak, Spatial Illusion, 2020.
Image #4: Photographer Viktor Bilak, Spatial Illusion, 2020.
Image #5: Photographer Viktor Bilak, Spatial Illusion, 2020.
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrihts belong to Viktor Bilak, 2020.