Important Notice
Exhibition is provided free of charge to winners. However, the return delivery of exhibition items require a delivery order to be made. This has a cost of 50 € surcharge / administration fee per package + the actual delivery cost + IVA (21%). The Delivery order is not obligatory, and thus a payment is not mandatory (this is not a due fee for winners or runner-ups, and we do not cancel your award if you do not order your items by post). There are 3 ways to collect the Exhibition items without paying for the delivery: 1. Exhibition items can be collected from the exhibition venue at the last day. 2. Exhibition items can be picked by hand from our office after exhibition period. 3. In addition, you can send us your own courier to pick up your kits after the exhibition.
How to Order your Items
Designers residing outside Italy can either send us a courier to pick up their works, or send us the estimated shipment cost plus 50€ (VAT included) surcharge. Designers who would like us to send the exhibition works should choose their preferred courier (DHL, FedEx, UPS or Italian Post), and delivery options such as insurance etc. We will then request an estimate and update you. If you agree, you can send us the estimated amount for shipping online, and then we can proceed to the shipping. To request an estimate, please go to your control panel, under post-competition tab, click on the expedition. You will see at least two items: The first is the “Physical Components of the Winner’s Kit”, the second is “Exhibition Materials of Your Design”, click on the “Get an Estimate”. In the new window, please confirm destination address, pick desired courier, and state or list your desired options for insurance etc. Our team will visit the desired courier with your “Exhibition Materials”, and get a price quote for you. We will then update you and our system about the estimated cost given to us by the courier company. If you agree to the estimated cost, you can request the expedition to be made directly from your Control Panel, under Post-Competition tab, at Expedition link, clicking on “Ship my Items” link, and paying the relevant fees.
The expedition fee for the exhibition items is 50 € surcharge fee plus the actual cost of the expedition by your desired courier service. We have an automated service to request a quote.
Exhibition items should be requested within 15 days after the exhibition, within 1 months maximum. After 1 months it is not possible to return the items as they will be archived for the next exhibition.
• Click here to request a quote and order your items (requires login). |