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The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office by The Design Code Co. Ltd is a winner of the 2024 Silver A' Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design.

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs.

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The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office by The Design Code Co. Ltd Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office

The interior bounds of the sales office exactly inherits and exhibits the core design concept of the architecture, which means the scenic landscapes and manner of Jiangnan specific to the West Lake are brought inside and converted to the key features of the region. With insights gained into the West Lake, how to work out a poetic space with the West Lake landscapes in the new town with rows of high-rise buildings reflect the designer’s prudent thinking about this land.

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office by The Design Code Co. Ltd Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion designed by The Design Code Co. Ltd
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
The Design Code Co. Ltd's The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion designed by The Design Code Co. Ltd
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
The Design Code Co. Ltd's The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office

Featured Design

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion by The Design Code Co. Ltd

Core Functionality

Sales Office


Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner in 2024.

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Silver Winner

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs. Silver winners are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion is expected to be a wonderful, showpiece work that is remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. This Silver A' Design Award-winning design is a highly notable, admired invention that benefits and advances the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion is a vastly envied creation that evokes desires, introduces positive feelings, and sparkles amazement and wonderment.

Winner Designer

The Design Code Co. Ltd

界上设计是由张蓉Jenny⼥⼠于 2017 年,在杭州创立的室内硬软装设计品牌。 创始人曾与Promemoira、B&B、Molteni&C 等 50 余家意大利知名家居品牌展开亲密合作,并打造了众多标杆性 的样板房和私宅项目。 作为较早将意式⽣活⽅式引⼊国内的室内设计品牌之⼀, 界上秉承“超越边界,设计无疆”的理念,拥有一批国际化视野的团队,形成室内硬软装于⼀体的专业体系。为⾼端房企提供售楼处、样板房等整体解决方案、为私⼈业主提供室内设计与陈设服务。创办至今,界上设计作品已被美国缪斯设计大奖、美国建筑大师奖、TITAN地产大奖、伦敦设计奖等专业奖项收录。

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Winner Brand

The design code CO.LTD

界上设计是由张蓉Jenny女士于 2017 年,在杭州创立的室内硬软装设计品牌。创始人曾与Promemoira、B&B、Molteni&C 等 50 余家意大利知名家居品牌展开亲密合作,并打造了众多标杆性 的样板房

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The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office by The Design Code Co. Ltd Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion, a Sales Office designed by the highly esteemed The Design Code Co. Ltd, awarded with the very prestigious A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Sales Office now.

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office

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Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office.

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The Design Code CO.LTD, the brand behind The Design Code Co. Ltd's award-winning work The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office, exemplifies the success that interior space and exhibition design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Silver A' Design Award, The Design Code CO.LTD has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
The Design Code CO.LTD

"The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office" - Silver A' Design Award Winner

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