This device detects out of stock products, incompatibility in product positioning, pricing inaccuracies that allow keeping track of the efficiency of coolers and shelves in stores. It provides information that could lead to changes to be made in real-time and helps customer profiling. The cameras within the device can be positioned during assembly in order to have different angles of vision to suit different distances and mountings. This saves molding and stock costs in the manufacturing process.
Tobia Repossi is a designer with twenty years of experience in product design for furniture, electronic appliances and accessories. He has worked formajor Chinese market-leading companiesas well as European and American brands and for dozen of startups from China and Silicon Valley. His designs have been sold in Apple Stores and in other famous shops and have been selected for international awards.
CoolR Group is a provider of in-store inventory management systems intended for brands and retailers. The company's solution automates inventory monitoring and labor optimization using a combination of wireless cameras, sensors and cloud-based image processing platform, enabling clients to increase efficiency and sales. CoolR Group automates inventory monitoring using plug and play sensors and computer vision. Their products are design to maximize sales and to track the most important key performance indicators for driving sales of food and beverage companies. CoolR Group's proprietary machine-learning platform tracks stock, providing facts and figures needed to optimize efficiency and sales growth. CoolR Group's technology also minimizes out of stocks for retailers and brands detecting out of stock, planogram non-compliance, foreign product contamination, and pricing inaccuracies. This allows to keep track of how efficiently coolers and shelves are performing, and provides the data to see what changes need to be made in real-time. This eliminates out-of-stocks and unneeded stocking visits for retailers and brands around the world. With the sale of 5,000+ Vista Cameras the company has marked a major expansion in two ways. It firmly increases the market to ambient shelves (not just coolers) and also provides validation from our partner, that the solution will help them increase revenues. The company also provides a flexible, easy to integrate connectivity solution for asset tracking or temperature monitoring. CoolR Group recently partnered with IBM on an end-to-end solution for a client looking for environmental health monitoring in warehouses using 4G hubs and MDM services. These particular devices will be using its Bluetooth, 4G, and WiFi capabilities in this deployment.