Design Exhibition

Celebrating Good Design Globally

Showcase Your Good Design on a Global Stage with the A' Design Award Exhibition

Join the A' Design Award Exhibition to showcase your award-winning designs, boost your career, and contribute to a culture of innovation and creativity that benefits society. The A' Design Award Exhibition provides a unique opportunity for designers to showcase their award-winning designs globally and have their works added to the permanent collection of our design museum. With a range of services provided free of charge, our exhibition is an excellent opportunity for your work reach a wide audience and gain exposure among high-profile individuals, design enthusiasts and journalists.

View Past Exhibitions

Design Exhibition

Global Exhibition of Award-Winning Designs

The A' Design Award Exhibition is a prestigious and highly valuable platform for designers from all over the world to exhibit their award-winning designs. The exhibition is first physically displayed in Italy and then moved to several countries across the globe each year. The best works are selected by design museum curators for permanent exhibition in our design museum.

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Design Award Exhibition Certificate

Comprehensive Exhibition Services Provided for Free

A' Design Award & Competition provides comprehensive exhibition services for its winners completely free of charge. These services include packaging, installation, and handling of non-bulky exhibition items, preparation of infographics, posters, and screen presentations, provision of space and spotlighting the works, photography of exhibited designs, and invitation of high-profile guests in addition to a distinct exhibition certificate for each city in which your works are exhibited. Winners really win, and they win big.

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Design Award Exhibition

A Valuable Opportunity to Reach a Wide Audience

Winning the A' Design Award and taking part in the exhibition is a valuable opportunity for designers to showcase their work on a global stage, reach a wide audience of influential figures, and have a chance of their work being accepted to the permanent collection of the design museum. The exhibition attracts media members, business leaders, diplomats, and cultural elites to its exclusive vernissage event every year.

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Design Award Exhibition

Join the Best of the Best and Boost Your Career

As a designer, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the best of the best by taking part in the A' Design Award. By submitting your design, you have the chance to be recognized by a panel of distinguished judges, have your work displayed in our design museum, and gain exposure to a global audience of design enthusiasts and industry professionals. Not only does this add prestige to your resume, it also boosts your career by helping you make new connections and opening doors to new opportunities. Don't miss out on this chance to take your career to the next level - sign up now and nominate your design before the deadline!

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Design Award Exhibition

Elevate Your Brand's Presence with A' Design Award Exhibition

Participating in the A' Design Award Exhibition is a unique opportunity for brands to elevate their presence and make a lasting impact in the world of design. By showcasing your award-winning designs on a global stage, you can amplify your influence and demonstrate your commitment to good design. Your designs will be recognized among the best in the world and highlighted to a global audience at our annual exhibitions in Italy and abroad. By taking part in the exhibition, you'll not only be able to demonstrate your commitment to good design, but also contribute to the broader goal of creating value for society through good design. With extensive and intense publicity for your award-winning designs, you can increase your brand's visibility, recognition, and reputation. Join us now to elevate your brand's presence and gain a competitive edge in the world of design.

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Design Award Exhibition

Do Good With Good Design

Joining the competition is not just about winning awards or gaining recognition, but also about contributing to a greater cause that benefits society as a whole. A' Design Award is committed to promoting good design and advancing the field of design. By participating in the A' Design Award & Competition, designers and brands have the opportunity to showcase their award-winning designs to a global audience, gain extensive publicity, and contribute to a platform that recognizes and promotes the importance of good design. Your participation not only helps promote and support good design but also contributes to a culture of innovation and creativity that benefits society. Join us now and be part of a community that values good design and its potential to make a positive impact.

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Museo del Design Colorful Logo

Your Private Physical Exhibition

The A' Design Award goes above and beyond to celebrate your exceptional accomplishments and give you the recognition you deserve. We are thrilled to offer pro-edition laureates the exclusive opportunity to exhibit their award-winning designs in prestigious physical exhibition spaces at the world-renowned Museo del Design, thanks to our innovative prestige tokens system. By collecting A' Design Award Prestige Tokens, which you get free of charge by winning the A' Design Award, you can unlock the private physical exhibition perk and showcase your work to a global audience of design enthusiasts and industry professionals, in your personal private exhibition at Italy.

Museo del Design
Museum of Design

Your Private Digital Exhibition

We will also honor all our laureates by creating a private digital exhibition featuring your works on the MOOD - Museum of Outstanding Design's website. This premium digital space offers a unique opportunity to gain even more recognition and connect with a wider audience of design enthusiasts, showcasing your designs in a sleek, professional manner. As a pro-edition laureate, you'll have access to both physical and digital exhibitions, maximizing your exposure and amplifying your influence in the world of design.

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Museum of Design

Discover the Best in Design

Discover the world's most inspiring designs and elevate your own with the MOOD Museum of Outstanding Design's permanent collection. Our exclusive exhibition features the most innovative and creative works from across the globe, curated to showcase the best in the world of design. By exploring our digital museum, you'll gain access to the latest design trends, discover new techniques, and find inspiration to take your design to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our user-friendly platform makes it easy to find the works that resonate with you and spark your creativity. Join us now and unleash your creativity with MOOD Museum's collection of award-winning designs, explore by categories or see the most recent additions.

Explore the Collection

Design Prize

Design Prize

Explore the A' Design Prize

The A' Design Prize is an impressive and rich package of services, goods, and merchandise that celebrates and amplifies the success of the eligible A' Design Award winners. The A' Design Prize offers an extensive range of benefits that aim to increase the visibility and recognition of the winners.

Design Prize

Join A' Design Award

Feel Good with A' Design Award : It's completely FREE to sign up for an account, Without any obligations to upload a design or nominate a work. Uploading your work is FREE, and you keep your copyrights. Getting a Preliminary Score is FREE and confidential, with no obligations to nominate. If you decide to nominate, there's a one-time fee to have your work voted by grand jury panel. If you win, there are no contractually obliged "winner fees". The comprehensive A' Design Prize is provided FREE to winners!

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Preliminary Deadline Ends in:


Don't miss the opportunity to get a FREE Preliminary Score for your design!

Get Your Free Preliminary Score Now

Register now to receive:

  • Indicative and free preliminary scores
  • Additional jury feedback and suggestions
  • Opportunity to improve your presentation

The registration process is simple:

  1. Create a free account
  2. Upload your design for free
  3. Receive your Preliminary Score within a few days