Multilingual Translation and Publication

Translating and Publishing Excellence: Your Award-Winning Designs in 108 Languages

A Global Stage for A' Design Award Winners

Unearth the global potential of your excellent design through A' Design Award. As part of our mission to celebrate and promote good design worldwide, we provide free translation of your award-winning designs into more than a hundred languages. With the help of the International Design News Network (IDNN), our aim is to reach 99.995% of the world population in their native language. Imagine the far-reaching recognition, spotlight, and publicity your work could enjoy, published in an array of languages across the globe.

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International Multilingual Award

Universal Recognition: Your Design's Multilingual Journey

With our translation and publication initiative, we go beyond language barriers, broadening the horizons of your award-winning designs. Each design is meticulously translated and published in up to 108 languages, making your innovative creations understandable and accessible to a global audience. This initiative aids A' Design Award laureates in gaining unprecedented international visibility. Your design reaches potential clients, business partners, and design aficionados from different linguistic backgrounds, thereby opening up a world of opportunities.

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Multicultural Award

Speaking the Global Language of Design : World Wide Recognition

We recognize the importance of celebrating and promoting the outstanding work of A' Design Award laureates to a global audience. By participating in the A' Design Award, you not only gain a chance to win prestigious recognition but also leverage our extensive translation and publication capabilities. Amplify your brand's global presence by sharing your design genius with the world, across languages and cultures, at no extra cost. Join us in our mission to celebrate and promote good design across the globe.

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International Design News Network

Amplifying Your Success: A' Design Award and IDNN

The International Design News Network (IDNN) is an expansive platform composed of hundreds of design publications across various languages. These publications feature design news, innovative projects, and award-winning designs. As an esteemed A' Design Award winner, your innovative creations are translated into 108 languages and published on IDNN's diverse platforms. This service ensures your work reaches almost the entire world population in their native language, delivering a truly international exposure.

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Omega Source

International Design News Network: Your Spot at Global Hall of Fame

The IDNN service offers unparalleled benefits to A' Design Award winners. Your award-winning designs will be found in various publications, across numerous languages, resulting in a truly international recognition. Imagine the global spotlight shining on your design work, making your brand resonate with audiences across the world. Furthermore, this invaluable service, comes at no additional cost to you. By joining the A' Design Award, you stand to gain global promotion for your brand, in all languages.

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Omega Radiation

Crossing Borders with A' Design Award: Your Passport to Global Recognition

A' Design Award understands the power of languages and the limitations of single-language promotion. Staying confined to English or only a few languages can close doors to numerous potential enthusiasts, press members, and buyers worldwide. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to promote your work in all languages, ensuring that your innovative designs reach every corner of the globe in their respective native tongues. Our multilingual translation services broaden the scope of your design news, projects, products, and services, making them accessible to design-oriented audiences worldwide.

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Diversity Award

A' Design Award: Championing Multilingual Excellence in Design Globally

Our multilingual translation service emerges from our tireless ambition to globalize your outstanding work and the feedback from international publishers desiring translated versions of award-winning designs. The potential benefits for A' Design Award winners are immense. It offers the unique opportunity to penetrate markets where competition might be low or non-existent, and to feature your award-winning designs in non-English publications. Through this initiative, we aspire to reach nearly the entire world population, providing translations of award-winning works in over a hundred languages, thus cultivating a truly global awareness for your remarkable design.

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The Language Icon

Multilingual and Multicultural Heritage : The Story of The Language Icon

The Language Icon, signifying language, was born out of a design contest organized by A' Design Award & Competition in 2011. It encapsulates our dedication to celebrating and promoting language diversity in design. Designed initially by Onur Mustak Cobanli and later revised in 2011 by Farhat Datta, this symbol provides a unified representation for language choice. The icon's story reflects A' Design Award's commitment to the language diversity and international scope of design.

Today, the Language Icon stands as a testament to A' Design Award's commitment to global inclusivity and language diversity. It mirrors the international nature of our award, symbolizing the global recognition our laureates receive. This icon serves as a constant reminder of our resolve and heritage to eliminate language barriers in the design world, fostering a sense of unity within diversity.

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Design Prize

Design Prize

Discover the A' Design Prize

The A' Design Prize is more than an accolade; it's a package of services designed to celebrate and amplify your success. This includes our unique initiative of translating and publishing your award-winning designs in 108 languages. This extensive coverage is just one of the 88 benefits accompanying the A' Design Prize. By participating in the A' Design Award, you gain a golden opportunity to promote your brand internationally, across languages, across borders, at no additional cost. By doing so, we aim to magnify the global impact of your designs, aligning with our mission to promote good design and designers across the globe.

Design Prize

Join A' Design Award

Feel Good with A' Design Award : It's completely FREE to sign up for an account, Without any obligations to upload a design or nominate a work. Uploading your work is FREE, and you keep your copyrights. Getting a Preliminary Score is FREE and confidential, with no obligations to nominate. If you decide to nominate, there's a one-time fee to have your work voted by grand jury panel. If you win, there are no contractually obliged "winner fees". The comprehensive A' Design Prize is provided FREE to winners!

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Preliminary Deadline Ends in:


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  • Indicative and free preliminary scores
  • Additional jury feedback and suggestions
  • Opportunity to improve your presentation

The registration process is simple:

  1. Create a free account
  2. Upload your design for free
  3. Receive your Preliminary Score within a few days