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Lux Linea

Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic by Tetsuya Matsumoto is a winner of the 2024 Silver A' Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design.

Lux Linea is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs.

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Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic by Tetsuya Matsumoto Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic

Lux Linea is an ophthalmology clinic in Shibuya, Tokyo. The new addition to Total Eye Care clinics in the heart of the Japanese capital takes place on the ground floor of a mixed use building. Lux Linea design addresses two main issues. Glass reflections, and patients privacy. The clinic operates mostly during daytime, when the bright daylight reflects on the glass, obstructing visibility to the inside. The clinic employs a series of panel that plays with light lines through the glazed facades to connect with its surrounding urban environment.

Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic by Tetsuya Matsumoto Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic
Lux Linea designed by Tetsuya Matsumoto
Lux Linea - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
Tetsuya Matsumoto's Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic
Lux Linea designed by Tetsuya Matsumoto
Lux Linea - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
Tetsuya Matsumoto's Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic

Featured Design

Lux Linea by Tetsuya Matsumoto

Core Functionality

Ophthalmology Clinic


Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner in 2024.

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Silver Winner

Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic

Lux Linea is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs. Silver winners are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. Lux Linea is expected to be a wonderful, showpiece work that is remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. This Silver A' Design Award-winning design is a highly notable, admired invention that benefits and advances the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. Lux Linea is a vastly envied creation that evokes desires, introduces positive feelings, and sparkles amazement and wonderment.

Winner Designer

Tetsuya Matsumoto

Tetsuya Matsumoto

Tetsuya Matsumoto is the founder and Head Architect Designer at KTX archiLAB based in Japan, and a Lecturer of a space design course at Osaka University of Art. After graduating from the same university, he specialized in commercial space design and built a large portfolio of projects varying both in type and scale, from shops and restaurants to offices and clinics, and from a small pharmacy to a large Hospital. Tetsuya has received more than a hundred local and international design awards and became a jury member for several prestigious prizes.

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Winner Client

Eye Care Clinic

Eye Care Clinic

Eye Care Clinics is a group of 5 ophthalmology clinics based in three prefectures in Japan, Tokyo, Saitama, and Fukushima. The clinics employ some of the most cutting-edge technologies and medical advancement techniques, with the doctors performing some of the world first innovative surgeries.

Winner Brand



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Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic by Tetsuya Matsumoto Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the Lux Linea, an Ophthalmology Clinic designed by the highly esteemed Tetsuya Matsumoto, awarded with the very prestigious A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Ophthalmology Clinic now.

Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic

Resources for Journalists

Press Kit Downloads

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Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing Lux Linea as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to Lux Linea at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic.

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Learn more about Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic now.

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Eye Care Clinic, the brand behind Tetsuya Matsumoto's award-winning work Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic, exemplifies the success that interior space and exhibition design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Silver A' Design Award, Eye Care Clinic has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
Eye Care Clinic

"Lux Linea Ophthalmology Clinic" - Silver A' Design Award Winner

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Tetsuya Matsumoto

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