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No Footprint House

No Footprint House Residential Prototype by Oliver Schutte is a winner of the 2020 Silver A' Design Award in Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design.

No Footprint House is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs.

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No Footprint House Residential Prototype by Oliver Schutte Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner 2020

No Footprint House Residential Prototype

The NFH is developed for serial production, based on a larger toolbox of prefabricated residential typologies. A first prototype was built for a European family in the southwest of Costa Rica. They chose a two-bedroom configuration with steel structure and pine wood finishes, which was shipped to its target location on one single truck. The building is designed around a central service core in order to optimize logistical efficiency regarding assembly, maintenance and usage. The project seeks for integral sustainability in terms of its economic, environmental, social and spatial performance.

No Footprint House Residential Prototype by Oliver Schutte Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner 2020
Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner 2020 No Footprint House Residential Prototype
No Footprint House designed by Oliver Schutte
No Footprint House - Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner
Oliver Schutte's No Footprint House Residential Prototype
Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner 2020 No Footprint House Residential Prototype
No Footprint House designed by Oliver Schutte
No Footprint House - Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner
Oliver Schutte's No Footprint House Residential Prototype

Featured Design

No Footprint House by Oliver Schutte

Core Functionality

Residential Prototype

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Silver Winner

No Footprint House Residential Prototype

No Footprint House is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs. Silver winners are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. No Footprint House is expected to be a wonderful, showpiece work that is remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. This Silver A' Design Award-winning design is a highly notable, admired invention that benefits and advances the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. No Footprint House is a vastly envied creation that evokes desires, introduces positive feelings, and sparkles amazement and wonderment.

Winner Designer

Oliver Schutte

I was educated as an architect, which is a profession that naturally interacts with a lot of other professionals who are related to the process of planning and building. Through personal drive and external influences, I started to look way beyond that group of people to think about development in a broader and global sense. I was lucky to work with a series of masters and colleagues whom I admire and who encouraged me in pursuing that path. My own office now focuses on breaking those boundaries of single professions or perspectives in order to co-create through our interdisciplinary work methodology. We design for development with participatory and multi-stakeholder approaches, which has led us to a very interesting variety of topics and scales that we deal with on a daily basis. The results are often surprising and reaffirming in the sense of finding meaning and added value by working together.

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Winner Client

A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)

A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)

A-01 is a multidisciplinary network organization. We link different entities for the co-creation of integrally sustainable solutions in urban and rural development. Our work methodology is designed to break the boundaries of a single profession or perspective in order to allow for a holistic approach that shapes our products. We envision a long-term impact that involves economic growth, a high quality spatial surrounding, a responsible use of natural resources and an equal social development. This complex set of factors that we simply refer to as "the 4 E’s" -Economy, Engineering, Environment, and Equity- is researched and brought into an optimized relationship. A topical focus is set according to the specific project requirements. Each assignment is carried out with a custom-fit team of experts, introducing A Company and its non-profit counterpart A Foundation as operational vehicles. While the company is dedicated to local consulting and planning services, the foundation researches and communicates transformative processes with respect to the urban and rural conditions worldwide.

No Footprint House Residential Prototype by Oliver Schutte Silver Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Winner 2020

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the No Footprint House, a Residential Prototype designed by the highly esteemed Oliver Schutte, awarded with the very prestigious A' Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Residential Prototype now.

No Footprint House Residential Prototype

Resources for Journalists

Press Kit Downloads

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Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing No Footprint House as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the No Footprint House Residential Prototype's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to No Footprint House at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning No Footprint House Residential Prototype.

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A-01 (A Company / A Foundation), the brand behind Oliver Schutte's award-winning work No Footprint House Residential Prototype, exemplifies the success that sustainable products, projects and green design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Silver A' Design Award, A-01 (A Company / A Foundation) has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)

"No Footprint House Residential Prototype" - Silver A' Design Award Winner

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Oliver Schutte

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